Category: Activities (page 3)
Excellent Writing Advice at Double Edge Publishing
A Treasure Trove Of Writing Advice
Co-Top Blogger For May’s CSFF Tour
The High Cost Of Heaven — Tuck, Day 3
Tuck By Stephen Lawhead — Day 2
Welcome to Day 2 of my review of TUCK by Stephen Lawhead.
Today I’m going to cover the “not so good”, the “good”, and the “genius”.
Notice that there is not a “bad” list, as I found little to dislike in this volume, and much to satisfy.
Reading it was like a long, cool drink on a hot afternoon. So, if you haven’t read TUCK, or the first two books in the King Raven series (HOOD & SCARLET), do so without delay!
But — be warned: SPOILERS BELOW!!
Tuck By Stephen Lawhead — Day 1
Update On My Book — Merlin’s Blade
In The Hall Of The Dragon King – A Review
Honey From The Rock
What Will Become Of Our Books?
Taste And See That The Lord Is Good
February 19th started like any other day, except that I was going to the dentist to get two cavities filled. While there, I was given a shot of novocaine (or something like that) in my left cheek. While the dentist was administering the shot, I sensed what felt like electricity jolting my tongue, and my mouth became numb very fast.
The dentist thought that a little odd, but went ahead and filled my cavities, I paid and left. By bedtime, when my numbness should have gone away, my tongue was still numb. The next morning it was still numb.
What was going on?
It turned out I had received a lingual nerve injury during the novocaine shot. Apparently the needle can sometimes injure the nerves. Sometimes the novocaine can be injected right into the nerve, and scar it. For about 5% of people, the damage is permanent.

Beauty And Truth In Fiction
More Fan Art!
Where Was King Arthur’s Camelot?
Major Milestone: My First Proposal Sent Out
Cyndere’s Midnight — An Interview With Jeffrey Overstreet
This is day two of the CSFF Blog Tour, and we are reviewing the MOST EXCELLENT craftsmanship of Jeffrey Overstreet.
(If you haven’t read my full review of Cyndere’s Midnight, you can do so by clicking here.)
Today I am “pleased as pear cider” to present an interview with Jeffrey Overstreet regarding his latest book, Cyndere’s Midnight, conducted via email over the last few days.
And he gets some extra points here because I didn’t give him much time to answer these at his leisure, one of his answers coming in at 11:00pm, and another at 1:00am!
He is very busy not only with his day job, but also finishing up the third novel, Cal-raven’s ladder, the Gold Strand in The Auralia Thread.
And if you take the time to read the interview below, there are some fascinating scoops on that third novel, and a bit about the upcoming fourth novel—hooray!