Category: Movies
My OFFICIAL Merlin’s Blade Book Trailer !!
FINISHED! — Curse Of The Spider King Video
Cyndere’s Midnight — An Interview With Jeffrey Overstreet
This is day two of the CSFF Blog Tour, and we are reviewing the MOST EXCELLENT craftsmanship of Jeffrey Overstreet.
(If you haven’t read my full review of Cyndere’s Midnight, you can do so by clicking here.)
Today I am “pleased as pear cider” to present an interview with Jeffrey Overstreet regarding his latest book, Cyndere’s Midnight, conducted via email over the last few days.
And he gets some extra points here because I didn’t give him much time to answer these at his leisure, one of his answers coming in at 11:00pm, and another at 1:00am!
He is very busy not only with his day job, but also finishing up the third novel, Cal-raven’s ladder, the Gold Strand in The Auralia Thread.
And if you take the time to read the interview below, there are some fascinating scoops on that third novel, and a bit about the upcoming fourth novel—hooray!
(Click the following link to keep reading — interview below!)
The Power Of Myth In Today’s Culture
A New Article On Pendragon Sword Of His Father
Pendragon Sword Of His Father DVD On Sale!
Ted Dekker/Frank Peretti’s HOUSE In Theatres!
I’m In “Pendragon—Sword Of His Father” !!
I should have titled that I Might Possibly Be In The Movie “Pendragon—Sword Of His Father”, because I don’t know how the film editing will go. But that title is a bit ponderous, so here we are.

My son and I had the wonderful opportunity of being extra’s during filming last Wednesday night until 4am. It was supposed to end at 1am, but the filming took longer and we got a late start. Regardless, though, it was a fun time, and a privilege to be part of such a worthy endeavor.