FIRST TIME EVER: Win a free copy of Merlin’s Blade!
Yes, it’s true! I now hold in my hands an actual printed copy of MERLIN’S BLADE from Zondervan!
It has been a long journey to get to this point since I began writing in 2006—but it is well worth it!
Not only that, but I’m GIVING TWO COPIES AWAY FREE over at!
Now, keep in mind that these are uncorrected proofs (known as Advanced Reader Copies, or ARCs), but they are still awesome to hold and read.
All I ask of a winner is the following:
- Read the novel prior to April
- Post an honest review and rating on Goodreads
- Post a review on once the novel’s review section opens up
That’s it!
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Merlin’s Blade
by Robert Treskillard
Giveaway ends February 07, 2013.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
Ooh, I love the new cover with your sword on it!! And the sword itself I just… die a little every time I see it, it’s so amazing.
Deborah! Thanks for visiting … I hope to reveal the cover for book two VERY SOON! I’m just waiting for permission from Zondervan. And it is EXCELLENT, and very appropriate for the story!!
I try to visit every time I get a post in my inbox… XD
OOH! I can’t wait!
Well, thanks for subscribing, then!
BTW – I’m working on a major revamp of my site, and I should have it ready before the novel comes out. Lots and lots of fun stuff!
I am so excited for the release of this book, you don’t even know!!! Congrats, Robert.
You deserve this! I remember the first time I read your work… on of all places. That’s how we met, actually… lol! But your stuff has come a long way since then, and it deserves this just as much as you. I can’t wait to review it for you on my blog… and to have you sign it.
Hopefully in person, sometime, when you come up to visit central IL. Haha! ^_^
Yes, I remember meeting you on Authonomy … lots has happened since then! The ironic thing is that Authonomy is run by HarperCollins, who is now my publisher! I’m sure I’ll have a book signing near you at some point, so I’ll bring the whole family along if possible and you and Adele can see each other again, too.
That is kind of ironic, isn’t it?
But see? It’s just proven over and over again that God works in mysterious ways…
And he works for good for those who love HIM. God is simply amazing! ^_^
Well, I’m so happy for you!
Keep up the excellent work. ^_^ I can’t wait to see you guys again, and tell the rest of your family “hi” for me too. My mom says that she would love to have a conversation with Robin again sometime… maybe I will tell her to call you. 
Will do, Nichole!
I’m working on Merlin’s Nightmare (which will probably be renamed), and am over 70% done now (and probably more than that as I’m planning on cutting some from the last part of the book).
Robin is editing it, and it’s going to be fun for everyone to read if her response is any indication!